Thursday, 15 September 2011

Attack - Day 1

Starting weight: 11st 4.4lbs
Goal weight: 10st
Weight left to lose: 1st 4.4lbs (18.4lbs)

Oatbran Galette
Mullerlight strawberry yoghurt

Roast chicken and cracked black pepper fat free cottage cheese

Snack: mini can diet coke 

Tea: beef steak medallion and more cottage cheese
Activia fat free cherry yoghurt

Drinks: LOTS of water.

Day one has gone so well. I am infact surprised at how easy it's been. But then it's only day one and I'm at the peak of my motivation.

I've not once felt hungry or sick or tired or weak, nor have I craved any bad things i used to love so much. Today's food has been delicious, and I'm confident I'll have no problems at all in sticking to the strict rules of attack.

According to the book I should do attack for around 3 days as I have less than 20lbs to lose. I'm going to see how I go though as I really want to get under 11stone before moving onto Cruise. If it takes a couple more days I'll do 4 or 5.

Along with starting the Dukan Diet I'm also going to combine it with 30 day shred. Its a brilliant exercise DVD by Gillian Michaels (America's Biggest Loser Trainer) 20 minutes a day, 3 levels, 30 days. I've done it before and it's great. I've also done 2 school runs today so 60 minutes of exercise. 

Roll on day 2! 

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